Vendi più servizi professionali

Più vendite, meno sforzi. I nostri team si occupano di procurarti i clienti, di configurare il tuo account e di formare il personale all’uso della piattaforma.
Centinaia di aziende sono diventate digitali grazie al nostro centro operativo. Smetti di inseguire i clienti e concentrati su ciò che sai fare meglio

Risparmia tempo e denaro

Lo strumento di pianificazione più completo del mercato per ottenere tutti i servizi dai tuoi clienti direttamente sul tuo cruscotto. Finalmente un’unica piattaforma principale in grado di leggere e programmare qualsiasi software da qualsiasi tipo di cliente (airbnb, commerciale, residenziale e altro).

Controllo totale delle operazioni

Controllo totale e unico sui servizi ai clienti quando la cooperazione è attiva. Previsione e monitoraggio di indicatori finanziari, salariali e di altro tipo che consentono di aumentare la redditività dell’azienda. Dare potere alle imprese di pulizia, lavanderia, noleggio di biancheria e manutenzione per un futuro inclusivo, sostenibile e digitale.

Processo di revenue semplice

Sperimenta una contabilità organizzata e accedi a potenti report per una migliore gestione finanziaria. Goditi la comodità dei pagamenti direttamente sul tuo conto bancario aziendale. Lasciaci gestire gli incassi, risparmiandoti tempo e fatica.

Software e configurazione gratuiti

Usufruisci del software gratuito (app per desktop/mobile) e della configurazione gratuita per i servizi venduti a Doinn. Assumi dipendenti con background linguistici diversi e usufruisci dei nostri strumenti di traduzione istantanea. Aderisci a una politica digitale e non cartacea e all’alfabetizzazione finanziaria. Opta per prodotti e modalità più ecologiche per ridurre l’impronta di carbonio nella consegna della biancheria.

Le migliori società si affidano a Doinn

Thanks to Doinn we don’t use WhatsApp groups any more! It used to be a deep black hole of mixed information. Doinn desktop and mobile app helped us elevate out service quality. I use it on the computer and the cleaner’s adoption was surprisingly fast and seamless.

Taylor Smith, COO, The Green Project

I really didn’t have the energy and the time to recruit and coach cleaners, again and again, so outsourcing the service to professional companies is what works better for me and I have no doubt Doinn’s providers are the main reason for our national growth.

Giacoma Trovato, CEO, La vita è bella

We’ve seen big efficiency gains with Doinn by having all the PMS and clients in the same place, completing tasks, reporting detailed issues, and pushing work orders back into their system. This improved workflow saves us time and money, and generating more sales with less administration support.

Rob Fraiser, Managing Director, Brightbnb

We love Doinn flexibility, their tech allows me to manage the cleaning services in several cities, some are done by our team of cleaners and some are outsourced to their cleaning partners. As an international property manager, there is no other solution better than Doinn.

Isidro García, COO, The Oasis plan

It’s just a lot easier to deal with the linen rental and the toiletries stocks with Doinn, I now spend 15 fewer hours each week reviewing and calculating our stock needs and have more time to focus on strategic initiatives.

Rob Fraiser, Managing Director, Brightbnb

Doinn has a variety of tools to mitigate bias and incentivize employees based on meritocracy.

Aleksandra Bielik, Founder, Vitalis Villas

I have a great view and control of the operational part of the properties we manage, from my phone and even when I’m out of the office.

Steve Miller, Founder, Richmond Homes

My job is to scale our business across the region and I could not achieve my mission without awesome Gorana from Doinn by my side. They grow because we grow and we grow because they understand well the meaning of being partners.

Jaime Liu, Chief Growth Officer, Happy Place

I’m in the industry for almost 6 years, more than 5 working with Doinn. I can´t believe we were able to work with the WhatsApp groups at the beginning. Doinn´s chat and real-time status tools were a wonderful game-changer.

Beatriz Lase, Operations Manager, Bemate

Sustainability starts with us but requires time that I can’t afford right now. Outsourcing the services with Doinn gives me peace of mind about quality and sustainability.

Aleksandra Bielik, Founder, Vitalis Villas

We are a data-centric company, Doinn’s reports are one of the most important tools for my business.

Maks Radovski, Founder, Sweet Spot

We have teams of cleaners in 7 cities thanks to Doinn, with zero acquisition cost and no effort, and the team loves the app!

Julie Mokkom, Founder, CleanXperts

We’ve seen big efficiency gains with Doinn by having all the PMS and clients in the same place, completing tasks, reporting detailed issues, and pushing work orders back into their system. This improved workflow, saves us time and money.

Rob Fraiser, Managing Director, Brightbnb

Leveraging forecasting tools, takes or planning to the next level, predicting future trends and potential challenges before they arise.

Simon Lee, COO, Angel Central

Domande frequenti

  • Che cos’è il Software as a service (Saas)?

  • Come può aiutarmi il software Doinn?

  • In che modo Doinn aiuta le prestazioni del mio business?

  • Devo acquistare servizi per utilizzare il software Doinn?

  • Posso utilizzare il software Doinn per i miei clienti attuali e anche come canale di vendita?

  • Posso usare il software con il mio attuale fornitore di servizi e utilizzare Doinn anche per servizi occasionali?

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